Testimonials - Unbound Of The Desert

Unbound Of The Desert Testimonials


I just wanted to say I have had a wonderful experience with the unbound deliverance sessions, Thank you Robert Calderon from the unbound of the desert and his deliverance ministry team, who have walk me trough the unbound deliverance sessions and offer great Spiritual and Physical Relief, before the session I was experiencing pressure on my chest and pain on my neck. After the deliverance session this pain on my chest and neck completely went away. There was no more pressure on my neck and chest I was able to breath and eat better as I felt something left my body from this two areas, before this session I was experiencing breathing problems. It felt like a big weight came off my whole body. I'm feeling much better.Thank you Robert Calderon for your knowledge and spiritual guidance, and for walking me through the five keys of the unbound ministry I have had a wonderful experience with Robert Calderon and has been a Blessing to have met him. I feel like a new person.

- From V.M.


A friend recommended I get together with Robert to help me calm down my hectic life . This was really an interesting & enlightening experience. We covered prayers going back many, many generations.  We wanted to make sure something that had happened in the past was no longer influencing me in the present.  I had not realized all the ramifications of my ancestors that could be bothering me now.

We also did what Robert called inner-healing where he led me to recall traumatic events from my past and then called Jesus to come and talk to me and heal those memories, which He did! Jesus spoke the most amazing and healing words to me. Robert then told the "wounded part" of me to go with Jesus. When he did this the Holy Spirit showed me an image in my mind of a picture I saw somewhere years ago of a little girl walking on the beach holding hands with Jesus. As they were walking away her feet were the only ones leaving footprints in the sand. While having another memory healed, Robert told the “wounded part” of me to go with Jesus and I was shown a vision in my mind of a ladder going up into the sky and a blurry image of something, or someone, appearing to climb that ladder. It was all quite extraordinary.

I felt better when we finished the process.  I was encouraged & trusted that the process would give me more tranquility in my life. I would recommend this process for anyone who is going through some struggles in their life.

- From S.N.